Wednesday, 9 September 2015

‘Morning After’ drink drive reminder to Rugby World Cup fans

Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) is advising rugby fans to be mindful of driving after drinking alcohol during the forthcoming Rugby World Cup 2015 (18 September – 31 October).

And to help fans, it is promoting a 'morning after' smartphone app designed to help people understand when their body could be alcohol-free.

As with all major sporting events, the tournament will be enjoyed and celebrated by millions, with alcohol potentially playing a part in those celebrations.

TfB is urging people to understand how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body and not to risk getting a drink drive penalty ‘the morning after’.

The penalties for drink driving include a minimum 12 month driving ban, a criminal record, a fine, up to six months in prison and a licence endorsement for 11 years

TfB is promoting the new ‘Morning After Calculator’ app, designed to help people understand when their body could be alcohol-free. It is available free of charge from Google play and the Apple App Store.

The ‘Morning After Calculator’, is intended only as a guide and not intended for people to work out how much they can drink on a night out before driving home. It has been produced to help people calculate roughly when it will be safe to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. The calculator allows one hour for each unit of alcohol, plus an additional hour for the first drink to allow for the alcohol to enter the bloodstream.

Mark Shaw, Buckinghamshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “It takes much longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body which means there is often a danger of people unwittingly driving while still over the legal limit the morning after drinking. I would urge anyone watching the rugby and celebrating with a few drinks, to plan ahead and arrange alternative transport the following morning if they have to travel to work, for the school run, or any other engagements."

He added, “The penalties for being caught drink driving the morning after are exactly the same as at any other time – it’s no excuse to say you thought you were fine to drive because of the length of time since your last drink.”

To download the ‘Morning After’ Calculator and for more information about the campaign visit:
For more information about the 2015 Rugby World Cup visit: