We understand
that as members of the public, you probably have a lot of burning questions
regarding the roads around Buckinghamshire. Well, we’re giving you the
opportunity to get your questions answered by Transport for Buckinghamshire’s
Contract Director!
This is the
12th blog post in the series. This week, we’re answering:
is Surface Dressing?
Surface Dressing is an efficient and effective method for
routine maintenance of road surfaces.
Having previously repaired any defects on the road, we
spray the existing surface with a thin layer of hot bitumen binder, before
spreading stone chippings over the bitumen. This is then made to stick to the
existing surface using a heavy roller.
There are many benefits to carrying out Surface Dressing
treatment. First of all, it forms a water resistant layer. This makes the road
less slippery, and therefore more skid resistant for 7-10 years.
Using Surface Dressing also extends the life of the road,
by preventing water (and, as a result of cold temperatures, ice) getting in to
cause cracks, which could eventually develop into potholes.
Once we have completed the Surface Dressing, it has to be
left for a week before we can return back to the site and sweep the road,
removing most of the loose chippings. However, some loose chippings will remain
until vehicles drive over them, pressing them into the bitumen.
Surface Dressing work is very weather dependant and so cannot be carried out if the weather
is too hot or too cold.
Upon completion of Surface Dressing work, you can drive
on the road, but only once all the materials have been laid. If you drive on
the wet bitumen before we have spread the chippings, it will stick to your
It is not advised to walk, or allow your pets to walk, on
the new surface, even when the chippings have been laid. This is because some
may stick to your shoes (and your pet’s paws!)