A public consultation on the proposed design for Stocklake Link Road urban section improvement scheme is launched by Buckinghamshire County Council today (Monday December 1) as part of the Aylesbury East growth plan.
The road improvement scheme is one of a number of major schemes funded by a £44 million grant through the Government’s Local Growth Deal, which is being managed by Buckinghamshire County Council and Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership (BTVLEP).
The road improvements will provide a number of benefits, moving the new road further away from the fronts of houses, new footpaths, new cycle path, new parking, as well as more space for through traffic. The aim is also to improve the look and feel of the area.
A public exhibition at Stocklake Park School on Thursday 4 December will be open from 4.30pm and 8.30pm. People will be able to see the proposed designs, talk to the Project Team, and provide feedback on the proposals.
Ruth Vigor-Hedderly, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: 'The proposed change to Stocklake is the first of several major highway improvements that will improve transport links into Aylesbury and stimulate growth and development to benefit the area.'
Ruth urged people who might be affected by the proposals to attend the exhibition on December 4 and give their feedback. All comments will be considered when reviewing the design, she said.
People can feed back on questionnaires available at the exhibition, or online at https://democracy.buckscc.gov.uk/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?ID=952 until Monday 12 January 2015.
Further information on the Aylesbury East growth plans can be found at http://www.transportforbucks.net/Roadworks-Centre/Schemes-and-projects/Our-schemes-and-projects/Aylesbury-East.aspx