Thursday, 3 March 2016

Notice of works: A418 Bierton Road, Aylesbury

Transport for Buckinghamshire will be carrying out carriageway reconstruction and surfacing work from 7th March for three weeks, along the A418 Bierton Road between (approximately) 100m north of the junction with Manor Road, and 30m north of the Tindal Road junction.

The reconstruction work will be carried out using 24 hours-a-day, temporary traffic signals, which will be manually controlled during peak hours to minimise delays to traffic.

The final resurfacing work will be undertaken during a full overnight road closure for one night, between 19:00 and 06:00 hrs.

Transport for Buckinghamshire have liaised with staff involved with the delivery of the Stocklake Link scheme, and between both parties agreement has been sought to carry out this work before Easter to ensure carriageway defects are rectified before Bierton Road is used as a diversion route during Stocklake construction works.      

To coincide with the work along Bierton Road, we will also take the opportunity to resurface a short section of carriageway that has begun to show signs of failure at the entrance to Elmhurst Road from the Bierton Road/Douglas Road roundabout. This work will be will also be carried out under a full overnight road closure, which will be in operation between 19:00 and 06:00 for one night.

Regular updates will be posted on our website, for daily updates please follow us on Twitter at @tfbalerts