Morning commuters on the A412 may have noticed the road looking ship shape today after Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) teams worked over night to carry out maintenance, clearance, and drainage works on the road.
The roadsides got the ‘once over’ too
– vegetation was cleared to improve visibility for drivers, and road signs were
cleaned, all in time to reopen the road at 5am ahead of the Thursday commuting hours.
The team had also been in place earlier in the day, with lane closures only
between 9.30am and 3.30pm so as not to disrupt traffic at peak hours.
County Councillor Mark Shaw, who is
the cabinet member for transportation, praised the team for their hard work,
and for using their initiative to multi task while the road was closed, saying ‘it’s
great that the team managed to kill several birds with one stone, achieving so
much in one road closure, causing minimal disruption to local residents. It was
really forward thinking of the local team to use their time and equipment
efficiently and effectively, to give a really good service to the local community
– I’d like to thank them for working through the night and making such an
impact on the quality of the road. Well done all!’