County Council (BCC) seeks to listen to the views of its residents and, each
year, takes part in the National Highways and Transportation (NHT) survey. This
survey is sent to 3,300 householders in Buckinghamshire during June.
year, BCC is giving residents the opportunity to respond to its own additional
online transport survey. This will be taking a deeper look at two of the key
NHT questions about ‘Road Condition’ and ‘Road Congestion’. The opinions
collected through this survey, will assist BCC with its strategic planning

Leader and Cabinet Member for Transportation, Mark Shaw said, “when we look at
the combined results of these two surveys, we can really start to build a
picture of how the public views and rates our services. This will assist both
Buckinghamshire County Council with transport planning and Transport for
Buckinghamshire - the strategic highway maintenance arm of the organisation –
with advising us on where the roads budget is best spent each year. We
really value the views of our residents, and this additional questionnaire will
give us a better understanding of any issues respondents are experiencing with
road condition and road congestion.”
survey will remain open to the residents of Buckinghamshire until 30th
September 2019. It takes under 5 minutes to complete and is open to all
residents even if they have responded to the initial NHT survey received last
month. The results will be made available on the BCC website, in the
autumn this year.