Tuesday, 26 March 2019

What's going on with the Plane and Patch programme?

Ask the Contract Director!

We understand that as members of the public, you probably have a lot of burning questions regarding the roads around Buckinghamshire. Well, we’re giving you the opportunity to get your questions answered by Transport for Buckinghamshire's Contract Director!

This is the 7th blog post that we have produced focusing on the questions that you have been asking, this week we are looking at:

What’s going on with the Plane and Patch programme?

This year’s Plane and Patch programme commenced on 4th March 2019 and, continuing until September, will cover over 150 separate locations around Buckinghamshire.

As the work goes on, we have been sharing ‘before and after’ pictures of each road undergoing Plane and Patch treatment on our social media channels. Some of the locations that we have shared so far have been roads in more residential areas, and we have been asked why that is.

TfB takes a balanced approach to prioritising which roads to repair, a strategy that we believe provides the best mix of preventative and replacement work across all roads in the County. The majority of the annual capital budget is targeted at ensuring our main roads remain in good condition, with most larger resurfacing and surface treatment schemes taking place on more strategically important roads. 

However, it is very important that we do not allow our main roads to take up our entire budget because many of our more minor roads, which are still important routes for locals, are in poor condition. For this reason, we make sure that some of the budget is spent on all classes of roads.  Plane and Patch work is particularly effective on minor roads, compared to main roads.

The Plane and Patch programme therefore primarily targets these more minor routes and is largely driven and determined by our Local Area Technicians (LAT’s) and Members, who, between them, have a broad knowledge of the roads within their area, particularly those that will benefit most from Plane and Patch treatment.

Do you want to read more about our approach to highways asset management?  See here for more details. 

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